Nature is the best creator of all creators. (Goethe)
Nature has neither language nor discourse, but she creates tongues and hearts by which she feels and speaks. (Goethe)
Green Heart of the Earth

Green mangrove heart is not just an amazing and beautiful picture, but also unique one. This is a rare masterpiece created by the great Creator - Mother Nature. It was found and captured by the one and only French photo artist Yann Arthus-Bertrand. What can we see in this heart? We appeal to You for sharing our thoughts about Union activity, its goals, objectives and mission. We were trying to intensify our message send to You from our site by the method of comparison and association. Being the practicing landscape creators with tongues and hearts, sincere internal aspiration and experience we want to create, multiply and save a green cover of the Earth, as landscaped park and mangrove, as small square and wild forest! Heart expresses the essence of the system that we want to create, develop and empower to protect and multiply vital things on the Earth!
Mangroves is one of the most stable and important ecosystems on the planet. It is no accident that we so close to this issue. We, Union founders have been gone a difficult way of searching until came up with the idea to establish our organization. Mangrove seedlings are doing the same thing. They migrate through the water for a long time before finding a suitable place for rooting on the bank. They seem to competently assess the situation understanding the responsibility for future generations, like intelligent beings.
What is so important in mangroves?
It's difficult to overestimate the value of mangroves in tropical island ecosystems. First of all, they stabilize the coastline, which is held by the mangrove roots. Otherwise the islands suffer from water erosion and consequently disappear at all. Secondly, they create a fertile environment for the growth of future tree generations, as well as coastal marine organisms. Thirdly, mangroves create a shelter for tiny fish and other animals. Such a way they don't allow invaders to kill all the young organisms.
To build, strengthen, nourish, protect correspond with our purposes in the field of landscape art, preservation and ecosystem phytooptimization.
Mangroves can survive in extraordinary conditions. It is impossible for many species. It's because they adapted to low level of oxygen, salt water, frequent tide flooding. They have special adaptations for the nutrients absorption, increased rate of seed survival, learned to limit the loss of vital moisture.
The stability of such natural ecosystem as mangroves is an excellent example to follow. Making comparative link between our organization and mangroves we have declared the following principles in our activity:
• High level of adaptation to difficult life circumstances;
• Active life position;
• Inner strength, fortitude, confidence in own professional skills and effectiveness;
• Deep understanding of the world, responsible attitude towards nature and its different parts;
• Laying the foundation today we will determine the most favorable moment for realization of each project, like the mangrove seedlings can survive drying and take root in the most suitable place for the better growth;
• Also we will shape our environment thus creating favorable "climate" and protection not only for ourselves and our projects but also for other "organisms".
According to these principles, own vision, world understanding, experience and knowledge we will preserve and multiply the green cover on the planet. That is our mission!
Author of the concept - Svetlana Volkova.
Author of the text - Irina Eremko.
Co-author of the text - Svetlana Volkova.
Please check out the full version here!